<BGSOUND src="Triumphing_Dance.mp3" LOOP=0>


Title Page & Music Clip

Recent Acknowledgment & Ducal
Portrait of Mary Villiers,
with Signature


List of Images

I. Literary Picklock

II. Flashpoint

III. Graphic Wit

IV. Hermeneutics:
Decoding Ephelia's Portrait & Poems;
The Poet's Polyvocality & MS Transmission;
Ephelia's Lamentation & Etherege's Authorship

V. Ephelia in English Song,
with Audio Clip, Lyric, and Lely's Portrait of Lord Jermyn

Concluding Remarks


Works Cited

Appendix A: Key to Female Poems (1679)

Appendix B: Mary Villiers's Literary Pedigree & Relations

Appendix C: Buckingham and Jermyn

Appendix D: The 'Smoking Gun' of the Villiers Case

Appendix E: Ephelia's Moth Patronym

Appendix F: Ephelia's Butterfly Patronym

Appendix F.1: Sir Thomas Mouffet, Butterfly-man

Appendix G: Salmasius and the 'Stuart' Butterfly Mark

Appendix H: Ad for the
new Ashgate "Ephelia"
(ECS, Winter 04; Scriblerian,
Autumn 04) and
the Review of Record
(SCN, Spring 04)

Textual Links

About the Author